Study Abroad - Barcelona

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Danos tu opinión detallada sobre el Study Abroad - Barcelona. No olvides decirnos que te pareció el temario del curso, el profesorado, la accesibilidad al equipo del centro para resolver tus dudas y, en el caso de los programas online, la calidad del campus virtual.
Study Abroad
Study Abroad is an enriching and eye-opening experience, not only personal but academic and cultural. Living and studying in a foreign country and getting in touch with other cultures, customs, people and language encourages the development of competencies that can be of interest to future employers and definitively an experience impossible to forget. The benefits of studying abroad cannot be overstated, they can be summarised in: - Personal growth - New perspective on world affair - Career enhancement HOW LONG DOES THE COURSE TAKE? The length of the course can be one academic year or just one semester, either in winter or spring.
Personal growth Students explore new ways of thinking and living, which fosters personal growth and independence, an experience which enriches them personally and professionally. New perspective on world affair Study abroad is a great opportunity to broaden your intellectual horizons and go deeper into the knowledge and understanding of international, political and economic issues. As a result of a sojourn ab
Perfil de los participantes
This programme is intended to young professionals graduated or in their last year of university studies, with a proficiency level of English and some basic notions of Spanish. They should be particularly interested in knowing the socioeconomic reality in Spain to carry on business projects in this country or either interested in guaranteeing the success of their existing activities.
Plan de estudios
FIRST SEMESTER - AUTUMN Strategic Marketing Managing Risks in International Finance Leadership and Management Skills Doing Business in Spain Spanish Course II
SECOND SEMESTER - SPRING International Marketing Corporate Finance Management Strategic Management Global Economy Cultural crossing Spanish course I
Study Abroad for EAE Business School. ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is a student centred system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme, objectives preferably specified in terms of the learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. European credits include not only theory and practice learning hours but also the time students spent in academic activities and study and personal work to achieve the specific learning outcomes for each of the courses included in the study plan. One credit corresponds to a minimum of 25 hours and a maximum of 30 hours.
Sistema Evaluación
The process of individual evaluation is based on written tests, and group and individual projects, in addition to daily classroom work.
The course content of is not limited to theory alone, the practical application of these theories is thoroughly addressed to develop efficient decision-making overtime. EAE has gradually developed a process of interactive learning, which focuses on student interaction.
The methodology employed by EAE in the development of its academic programme is more than simply focusing on the educational training of future leaders: EAE participants must develop management competence to adapt to and drive changes within an organisation. Therefore EAE applies a methodology of an eminently practical character that combines an explanation of the principals of diverse management areas, with solutions to numerous practical cases based on the reality of current management activity.