Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism

Si has realizado este curso, ¿por qué no darnos tu opinión?. Si lo haces, estarás ayudando a miles de personas que, como tu en su momento, están intentando cambiar su vida a través de la formación. No hay mejor ayuda, para decidirse entre miles de cursos, que la opinión de una persona que ha vivido la experiencia de cursarlo, miles de personas te lo agradecerán.
Danos tu opinión detallada sobre el Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism. No olvides decirnos que te pareció el temario del curso, el profesorado, la accesibilidad al equipo del centro para resolver tus dudas y, en el caso de los programas online, la calidad del campus virtual.
El Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism es semipresencial en Madrid. Tiene una duración de 60 ECTS.
The Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism trains professionals who will be leaders in the media industry. Graduates of this program will be experts in raising sports to the status of social phenomena, through the use of any media currently in use in the field of communication, including content, multimedia, audiovisuals and digital media.
The Real Madrid International School at Universidad Europea de Madrid offers the experience of the most important sports club in the world, and the rigor of Universidad Europea de Madrid’s design of graduate degrees in communication to provide society with a Master’s of reference in the field.
Thanks to agreements with sports media companies, such as the prestigious newspaper AS, news departments will now be open to students to carry out professional internships. In addition, students will have access to the Real Madrid facilities during their studies.
"The Master’s in Communication has brought me closer to the professional world and has given me the tools to perform effectively in it.” Francisco José Martín Sánchez, Former student of the Master’s in Communication and Sports Journalism.
The methodology is based on a combination of six modules of theory-based and hands-on content that focuses on acquiring knowledge of sports and the mass media (including professionally supervised activities and the use of new technologies), completed with the preparation of a Master's Thesis and internships in news departments in media and sports organizations.
Real Madrid offers students access to professionals from their own media and club departments, such as marketing and new technologies. Realmadrid TV and are also possible destinations for the compulsory internships students must perform at the end of the Master’s program.
Coursework includes lectures and preparation by students of their own radio and television programs, blogs and multimedia reports. Students can speak with important figures from the world of professional sports and major media companies.
Through role-playing, students experience the real-life situations faced by professionals in sports news: press conferences with players, interviews with elite athletes, communication crisis strategies, etc.
Students in this program will also have the possibility of taking a Professional Internship module thanks to an agreement signed between Universidad Europea de Madrid and the Autonomous Community of Madrid on June 1, 2010 regarding educational internships.
Universidad Europea de Madrid has the most comprehensive facilities for studying communication: journalistic writing classroom with news agency tools, QuarkXPress software and PCs; TV studios (set, Avid editing system, audiovisual equipment) and radio studios (three booths, MAR system).
The Master’s degree is taught at these facilities with all the logistic support needed as well as the availability of the Universidad Europea de Madrid University Sports Complex for certain courses.
Master’s courses will be taught in classrooms at Ciudad Real Madrid and other club facilities when conducting role play activities, press conferences, tracking of live events and the White Week celebration, a week of total immersion in Real Madrid operations.
The Master's Degree in Sports Journalism and Communication is designed to be a specialization for graduates in Communication and Sports Journalism, as well as an interesting option for students coming from the fields of economics, social studies, or sports studies who wish to work in the area of sports journalism and become leaders in the world that television, digital technologies and sports newspapers today have shaped. It is an excellent opportunity for graduates looking for strong specialization through a graduate program with very promising employment prospects.
The Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism trains professionals who will be leaders in the media industry. Graduates of this program will be experts in raising sports to the status of social phenomena, through the use of any media currently in use in the field of communication, including content, multimedia, audiovisuals and digital media.
Module I: Print Journalism
- Daily operations at sports newspaper offices
- News on football and other sports
- Regional editions
- Sports photography
- Design and layout
- Graphics and computer graphics
- Visit to the newspaper AS
- Archives and documentation
- Reporters and special correspondents
- Copyediting and proofreading
- The “Cierre” [Closing] column
- Sports writers. Evolution and style of sports writing
- Sports in mainstream media newsrooms
- Sports Journalism in news agencies
- Sports magazines
- Internet and mixed publications
- News coverage
- Legal and economic foundations of sports
- Lectures
Module II: Sports Radio
- Sports radio today
- Multiconnection programs. Analysis and case study by students
- Sports radio production
- Daily sports programs: preparation
- Visits to sports radio programs during live broadcast
- Radio sportscasting
- Technology in radio today
- Radio sports interviewing
- Weekly production of a program for UEMcom Radio
Module III: Television and Sports
- Introduction to sports TV. Current overview of TV in Spain
- TV audience ratings in sports
- Television journalism
- TV workflows
- News coverage of major events
- Design, production and development of TV sports programs
- Sports formats for live coverage on TV
- Preparation of reports - Program production and sporting events
- Television sportscasting
- Organizing sports events
- TV announcing. Sports announcing
- TV broadcast rights
- TV sports interviews
- Visit to Realmadrid TV
- Production of TV monographic programs
Module IV: New Technologies
- Overview of online media
- The world of sports blogs
- Technology applied to sports journalism
- TV for mobile devices and other technological developments
- Creation of a student-run blog
- Professional social networks
Module V: The World of Sports Journalism
- News Genres and Journalistic Writing
- Brief history of mass media
- Media: printed, digital and audiovisuals
- Present and future of sports journalism
- Recent history of Spanish sports
- International overview
Module VI: Management of Sports Communication
Practical Application: Real Madrid Model
- Organizational structure and distribution of work in a sports team
- Organizational publications
- Internal communication
- International relations
- Marketing and communication
- Management skills in communication
- Negotiation
- Coaching techniques
- Public speaking
- Human relations management in professional environments
- Professions and sports professionals
- Lectures by managers and coaches for sports organizations
- Learning to report accurately
- Role play situations
- Preparation and development of a press conference
Duration: Consultar.
The Master’s program has a duration of 60 ECTS Credits.
Schedule: Semi-campus-based and 100% in English
Location: The Villaviciosa de Odón Campus at Universidad Europea de Madrid, classrooms at Real Madrid Ciudad Deportiva, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium and the newsroom of AS Newspaper.
¿Debería cursar el programa?
Si eres profesional del sector o no, pero quieres especializarte en periodismo deportivo profundizando entre otros muchos conceptos en el deporte como fenómeno social profundizando en las herramientas de comunicación más punteras tanto digitales, multimedia o audiovisuales.
Rango salarial (de las personas tras realizar el programa)
El rango salarial, de los alumnos que realizaron el Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism, oscila entre los 20.000€ y 50.000€ brutos anuales de media.
Estudios Previos necesarios para la realización del programa
Para optar a este tipo de másters suele requerirse al alumno acreditación de graduación o licenciatura.
Empleabilidad (Porcentaje de estudiantes que consiguen trabajo después de realizar el programa)
El porcentaje medio de los alumnos que encontraron empleo tras realizar el Master's Degree in Communication and Sports Journalism, fue de un 60% siendo el resto de alumnos los que realizaron el mismo contando con trabajo para actualizar sus conocimientos o promocionarse a nivel laboral.
Conocimientos específicos para la realización del programa
Es aconsejable que el alumno posea un alto nivel de inglés.
Nº de horas aproximadas que tendrás que dedicarle al programa
Se aconseja que el alumno dedique, de media hora a una hora diaria, como mínimo, al estudio del temario.