Master en Affaires Euro-Méditerranéennes - MAEM and Master in Euro-Mediterranean Affairs - MEMA

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The Second Session 2007/8 of the Master en Affaires Euro-Méditerranéennes (MAEM) Master in Euro-Mediterranean Affairs (MEMA) Programme is scheduled to start on August 2008 and end in July 2009.
The MAEM/MEMA Network hereby would like to inform the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra about the conditions for the MAEM/MEMA students' enrolment and the Diploma's issue for the Second Session.
The pre-enrolments will start on 15 February 2007 and manage by the MAEM/MEMA Network Committees through the MAEM/MEMA On-line Application Service ( - section "Admission"). The deadline for applications to be received is 26 March 2008.
As agreed, the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra is indicated on the MAEM/MEMA web pages among the six Universities that will issue the Diploma.
The other diploma issuing Universities are:
-Cairo University (pending for formal approval);
-Universidad de Granada;
-Università degli Studi di Perugia;
-Università di Pisa;
-Université Hassan II - Ain Chock (Casablanca) (pending for formal approval).
The Network would like to remind you that, according to the Convention, one of the aim of the Network for the future sessions of the Master Programme is to issue a double or multiple or, better, single joint MAEM/MEMA Diploma.
The Network asks the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, as one of the diploma issuing University, to:
- Conclude the necessary administrative procedures to enrol the MAEM/MEMA students by April 2007.
- Formalize the enrolment of the MAEM/MEMA students who will be admitted to the Programme and meet the formal entry requirements for MAEM/MEMA (ad in the First Session).
- Recognize the credits that the MAEM/MEMA students will obtain at the Universities where the academic activities of the Second Session take place, i.e. at the University of Perugia (Italy), the Universidad de Granada and Cairo University. In addition the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra should recognize the credits that will be awarded by the students during the internship period (to be defined). The total amount of credits the students should obtain is 72.
- Issue to each student who will conclude the Master Programme successfully, according to the Network Academic Regulations, art. 7, par. a:
- The MAEM/MEMA Diploma (single or, possibly, joint);
- A Certificate with the logos of all Network members and which will clarify the organizational structure of the MAEM/MEMA Programme.
The Network would like to remind you that the issue of a joint Diploma is one of the aims of the Network for the Second Session of its Master Programme.
To this end, the IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra should engage itself to act in concert with the other diploma issuing universities (and with the assistance of the Network Secretariat) to define and arrange the necessary procedures to issue that kind of Diploma for the Session.
Direction and teaching staff
Ricard Zapata Barrero (Dirección UPF)
Academic contents
Students enrolled in the MAEM/MEMA Programme will have the following programme:
- In the introductory term (six weeks), all students will gather in Terni (Italy) for a general introduction to the MAEM/MEMA Programme, its methods, contents, professors and students (General Track);
- In the first semester (three months), students will move in Granada (Spain) to attend the specific Track No. 2;
- In the second semester (three months), students will move in Cairo (Egypt) to attend the specific Track No.1;
- In the practice term (at least two and half months), students will join a public or private sector institution for an internship. In exceptional cases students, at their own request, may alternatively opt for the writing of an essay.
- General Track - Pluralism: the Basis of a Common Culture of Development in the Euro-Mediterranean Area;
- Track No. 1 - Intra- and Inter-regional Relations in the Euro-Mediterranean Area;
- Track No. 2 - Political Institutions, Actors, and Processes in the Euro-Mediterranean Countries.
- 10 introductory courses in the General Track;
- 16 regular courses in Tracks No. 1 & 2 (8 courses for each specific tracks).
The Programme includes also some additional academic activities (e.g. brief seminars on specific issues, conferences etc.). Some of which will be compulsory.
Qualification and Academic Value
For the Second Session of the MAEM/MEMA Programme 2007/8, the Diploma issuing Universities are (in addition to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra):
- Cairo University (pending for formal approval);
- Universidad de Granada;
- Università degli Studi di Perugia;
- Università di Pisa;
- Université Hassan II - Ain Chock (Casablanca) (pending for formal approval).
The MAEM/MEMA students will obtain a single Diploma from their enrolment University (as in the First Session 2006/7).
All the above mentioned universities are in the process of establishing a joint Diploma. If they conclude the administrative procedures, all the students will receive a joint Diploma instead of a single one.
Besides the Diploma (single or joint), all graduates of the MAEM/MEMA programme will also receive a certificate which will highlight the multi-lateral nature of the Programme and will include the logos of all MAEM/MEMA Network members.
The total amount of credits for the MAEM/MEMA Programme is 72 ECTS, i.e. a total of 1.800 student working hours.
The credits are spread as follows:
- General Track: 10 credits;
- Track No. 1: 24 credits;
- Track No. 2: 24 credits;
- Internship: 14 credits.
Calendar and timetable
From august 2008 to july 2009
Fees and financing
12.950 euros.