Curso Inglés Publishing Medio B1 MAS

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El Curso Inglés Publishing Medio B1 MAS se imparte en modalidad a distancia.
Objetivos del Curso Inglés Publishing Medio B1 MAS
Conocer cuándo se utiliza yet, just, already. Distinguir los verbos estáticos. Utilizar correctamente los verbos modales. Aprender hacer frases en futuro y conocer los adverbios de tiempo. Conocer y utilizar el adjetivo en grado comparativo y superlativo.
Utilizar el estilo indirecto y practicar las “coletillas interrogativas”.
Aplicar la voz pasiva y hacer condicionales. Distinguir los diferentes modales: posibilidad, probabilidad y certeza. Conocer los verbos que rigen to o –ing.
Contenidos del Curso Inglés Publishing Medio B1 MAS
UNIT 1: Neighbours
Topics: people´s character & appearance.
Vocabulary: everyday activities, chores; appearance; personality; phrasal verbs with after…
Reading: love your neighbour?; what does your bedroom say about you?...
Grammar: present tenses; already, just, yet, ever; stative verbs.
Listening: identifying people; relation to others.
Speaking: requesting help; making & accepting apologies; describing people; introducing oneself & others; social expressing admiration.
Writing: a paragraph about a neighbour of yours; a paragraph about your friend; an informal letter giving news…
UNIT 2: Call of the wild
Topics: the environment
Vocabulary: animals; flora & fauna; social issues; natural habitats; phrasal verbs with out…
Reading: UK Wildlife-SOS!; how to make a wildlife pond; the Countryside Code- Advice for the Public, curricular cut.
Grammar: modals I (must, have to, should, ought to, mustn´t); will-going to; time words; future tenses
Listening: importance of trees; forests.
Speaking: making suggestion; agreeing & disagreeing; expressing dissatisfaction.
Writing: an article about wildlife habitats in your contry; a letter to a friend about your plans to help the environment; a letter asking for information.
UNIT 3: Take a break
Topics: holidays
Vocabulary: travel & holidays; modes of transport; accommodation; holiday problems; ways of travelling; phrasal verbs with off…
Reading: wish you weren´t here; grange hotel; a holiday experience; culture clip.
Grammar: past tenses; used to-would; adverbs of time & movement.
Listening: announcements; holiday problems; guided tours.
Speaking: describing pictures; booking a guided tour; asking for information; expressing dissatisfaction.
Writing: an article about your worst holiday experience; a letter to a friend of yours from holiday hotel; a paragraph about your holiday habits when you were younger; a story.
UNIT 4: Live & learn
Topics: education
Vocabulary: polite behaviour; types of schools; school/college subjects; phrasal verbs with down.
Reading: mind your manners; short messages; curricular cut.
Grammar: reported speech; say-tell, reporting verbs.
Listening: telephone etiquette; ICT courses.
Speaking: making polite requests; telephone etiquette; describing pictures.
Writing: Dos & Don´ts when dining out; an e-mail describing a dream; a paragraph describing a festival; a story…
UNIT 5: Weird & wonderful
Topics: parts of the body; moods & feelings.
Vocabulary: parts of the body; moods & feelings, body language, personal experience; festival; phrasal verbs with over…
Reading: mythical creatures; speaking without saying a word; Halloween; culture clip.
Grammar: comparatives & superlatives; defining & nondefining relative clauses.
Listening: the Day of the Dead.
Speaking: inviting & accepting or refusing an invitation; making decisions; exclamations.
Writing: an article about a mythical creature; an e-mail describing a dream; a paragraph describing a festival…
UNIT 6: State-of-the-art
Topics: entertainment, technology.
Vocabulary: youth culture gadgets, films & TV, the Internet, phrasal verbs with in.
Reading: Dick Summers-Special Effects Supervisor, using the remote control, Tokyo teens, Curricular Cut (Literature): The War of the Worlds.
Grammar: quantifiers, articles, adverbs, reflexive pronouns, question tags, echo tags.
Listening: film review, Internet safety.
Speaking: expressing viewpoints, asking about a problem/ offering help, recommending a film/game, computer problems.
Writing: a review of a film, instructions on how to send a text message, a questionnaire, a letter to a friend, reviewing a music CD.
UNIT 7: All in a day´s work
Topics: employment, clothes.
Vocabulary: occupations & employment/ jobs, job skills & qualities, phrasal verbs with through, forming adjectives from verbs.
Reading: Cracking Career!, Personality types, Getting a job, Culture Clip: The Ravenmaster.
Grammar: conditionals, wishes, clauses of purpose.
Listening: guessing jobs, expressing regrets, preparing for interview.
Speaking: talking about ambitions, agreeing / disagreein with opinions, expressing regrets, describing pictures.
Writing: an article interviewing a person, an e-mail about a dream job, an e-mail expressing regret, a letter of application.
UNIT 8: Staying safe
Topics: safety, emergencies, graffiti, safe surfing, bullying.
Vocabulary: self defence, street crime, law breakers, phrasal verbs with away.
Reading: Self Defence, Watch out!, Cameras all around you, Curricular Cut (Citizenship): Following the Rules.
Grammar: the passive, causative form, clauses of result, each-every-either-neither.
Listening: tips for staying safe, reporting, emergencies.
Speaking: discussing safety, giving an eye-witness account, warning others...
Writing: Dos & Don´ts on how to defend yourself, a leaflet about safety, an article providing solutions to problems.
UNIT 9: Forces of nature
Topics: nature, weather, natural disasters.
Vocabulary: animal sounds, weather, natural disasters, temperature, phrasal verbs with up.
Reading: nature attacks!, Culture Clip: Ice Art.
Grammar: modals II: possibility, probability, certainty (may-might-must-can´t-could), making deductions/assumptions.
Listening: factfile, precautions for avalanche, extreme weather conditions.
Speaking: expressing possibility, making assumptions/deductions, describing pictures.
Writing: a factfile about an insect, an e-mail about a natural disaster, an e-mail invitation to a festival, an article about a winter event.
UNIT 10: Festive time
Topics: food, fitness & health.
Vocabulary: sports & fitness, food, phrasal verbs with on, compound nouns.
Reading: festive food calendar, body image, healthy lifestyles, curricular cut (biology): muscles.
Grammar: infinitive/-ing form, prepositions of place.
Listening: a sports survey, gym membership.
Speaking: asking for/giving directions, avoiding direct answers, expressing facts.
Writing: a calendar for festivals, an e-mail giving advice, a survey report.
Contenido del material:
· Libro del Alumno: UPSTREAM B1 + (Teoría + Ejercicios)
· Libro de Ejercicios: UPSTREAM B1 + (Teoría + Ejercicios)
· CD con Audiciones + Solucionarios (en PDF) de UPSTREAM B1 + (Alumno + Ejercicios)