Course In Music Industry Management

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The Course In Music Industry Management is in Madrid.
The European School of Economics (ESE) is a private College of Higher Education offering at its centres in London, New York, Rome, Milan, Florence, and Madrid, undergraduate and postgraduate courses leading to the degrees awarded by the University of Buckingham, named for the third consecutive year the “Best University in the UK” for student satisfaction by the 2008 National Students Survey, according to the Higher Education Funding Council in England.
The ESE mission is to develop a new generation of entrepreneurs and managers with the personal qualities, attitudes and skills required to create, inspire and lead the organisations of the future.
Therefore, we have designed a very peculiar student-centred educational approach focused on a range of curricular and extracurricular activities aimed above all to enhance personal development and self awareness and master a new idea of leadership, whereby responsibility, commitment and integrity are strongly interconnected.
At ESE we believe that individuals can transform their environment and the economy of their countries, by evolving their ideas and system of values. As we face times of struggle and new values and business approaches need to be identified, the only way to move beyond a vision of fear and crisis into a vision of strength is to make a paradigm shift, develop greater integrity and responsibility and equip the leaders of the future with new ways of thinking.
Only passionate, responsible and enlightened individuals who have discovered their life purpose and do exactly what they love, can eventually contribute to the financial success of their countries and organisations.
ESE seeks an interactive and highly diversified community of individuals willing to challenge each other to grow, both intellectually and professionally.
The majority of our students speak more than two languages. Our renowned guest speakers and seasoned faculty and academic staff come from leading British, American, Spanish and Italian Universities and Business Schools and are strongly committed to sharpen our students’ minds and satisfy their appetite for new knowledge and independent thinking.
As a result we have a rich, multi-cultural student and faculty body representing a broad range of professional interests, approaches and views of the today’s business scenario.
What can ESE do for you?
The European School of Economics is an international business school with a global reach, embracing students and locations distributed throughout the world.
The ESE Short Course in Music Industry Management is divided in self-contained units called modules. In order to complete the programme students must take a total of 4 modules. The modules are the following:
The optional 3 month In-Company training programme offered after the completion of the modules is aimed to:
•Apply course knowledge into practical situations within the work environment.
•Develop your inner qualities and gain a practical understanding of the concept of individual responsibility.
•Test your career plans by obtaining experience in your chosen field.
•Extend your professional network and assess internship provider for future employment opportunities.
1.A&R definition. Understanding the role of A&R. Structure of an A&R Department.
2.History and Evolution of A&R.
3.The research and development functions of the A&R department within the Music Business.
4.Functions & Responsibilities of a A&R
-Seeking & Finding Talent
-A&R executive as a liaison between Artist & Label
-Administration and Coordination
-Overseeing the recording process
5.A&R day to day work.
6.Marketing and Promotion duties of an A&R department
7.The impact of the Digital Business & Internet on the A&R Department
-Rights: basic concepts
-Artist & Author
-Record Label & Publishing Deals
-Key Contractual Terms
1.The Marketing Department: Structure and relations with other departments of the company and the artists.
2.Promotion: The promotion team and the relation with media.
3.Advertising Media planning and deals.
4.Targets: Qualitative and quantitative targets.
5.Marketing Tools.
6.Digital Marketing.
7.Catalogue & Strategic Marketing.
8.International Exploitation.
9.Marketing and the Point of Sale.
10.Co-branded Marketing Deals.
11.Facing the New Business Models.
12.Full rights artists.
13.Dance act models.
14.The Marketing Plan.
1.Introduction: The New Business Scenario
-A bit of History: The Music Industry.
-The impact of new technology: Internet. Online and Mobile Business.
-The change in the Value Chain.
2.Digital Music Business Dictionary
-Who is who in the new scenario
-Products: Mobile vs Online
-Business Models
-Terms and definitions
3.Technology & Devices
4.Business Models specifics
-Download vs streaming
•Basic Concepts
•P&L principles
-Pay per event vs subscriptions
•Basic Pricing Schemes
•P&L Principles
•Industry Examples
-Commercial Bundles
•P&L principles
•Industry Examples
-Mobile vs Online
5.Rights & Contracts
-The Digital scenario
-Type of Rights
-The Digital License
-Contracts overview
6.New Tendencies
1.Introduction to Live Music Business
-The Live Music Business into global leisure business.
-History of Live Music Business.
-Live Music companies versus Labels.
-Presentation of Planet Events.
2.Global market & General tendencies
-Global situation (Tours, incomes, artists…).
-Getting closer to United State’s market.
-Emergent markets.
3.How does the Live Music Business work
-Description of the running of live industry.
-Operators of the live music sector.
3.1 The Promoter
-Booking and management agencies.
-Elaborating a tour contract.
-Touring strategies: setting up a budget.
-The importance of the venue.
-Promotion: marketing & communication actions.
-Case of study the four elements in action: musicians, managers, promoter and markets.
3.2 The Show
-PRS and national laws.
-Production department: the rider.
-Economics of the show: BEP, taxes.
-Ways of funding: sponsorship, ticketing, catering, merchandising, promoter and markets.
3.3 Business models & Live music strategies
-Examples and analysis of the career of several artists, national and international.
4.Conclusion and new tendencies
-Online experiences
-Where is the live music going
-Crowd founding for shows?
-Creating new experiences
1.The Artist P&L
-Key revenue & cost drivers
-Understanding & Handling the Artist profit & loss
-Artist financial follow up
2.The Album Project
-Key revenue & cost drivers
-Understanding & Handling the Album profit & loss
-Album financial follow up
3.Basic Commercial Principles
-Product Pricing: Physical vs digital
-Discount Techniques
-Album Pricing vs Royalty Cost
-Rolling Sales Forecast Tool
4.Budgeting & Forecasting
-The Company Budget
•Key elements
•Budget Targets & Objectives
•Making a Budget
-The Forecast Tool:
•Rolling Forecast Principles
•Forecast Structure
•Making a Forecast
5.A Music Company Basic Accounting
-The Balance Sheet
•Key B/S elements
•The B/S as a revenue opportunity generator
-The Profit & Loss
•Key P&L elements
•Understanding a P&L
-Royalty & Copyright Accounting